Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire walkthrough

Gundam: Target In Sight/Gundam: Crossfire Walkthrough/FAQ
By Fallscrim
Version 1.0
This document Copyright 2007 Andrew Guy (Fallscrim)

Table of Contents:

1.0 - Controls

2.0 - Gameplay
2.1 - Abbreviations
2.2 - Basic Techniques
2.3 - Advanced Techniques
2.4 - List of Available Mobile Suits

3.0 - Walkthrough
3.1 - Earth Federation Walkthrough
3.2 - Principality of Zeon Walkthrough

4.0 - Mobile Suit Information
4.1 - Earth Federation Mobile Suit Info
4.2 - Principality of Zeon Mobile Suit Info

5.0 - Weapons

1.0 - Controls:

Left Analog Stick - Move Forwards/Backwards
Turn Left/Right
Move Crosshair in Sniping Mode

Right Analog Stick - Control Camera/Zoom in Sniping Mode

Square Button - Fire Primary Weapon (or switch to primary weapon)
Cross Button - Tap to jump, Double tap to Boost
Circle Button - Fire Special weapon (if available)
Triangle Button - Activate/Attack with Melee weapon

R1 Button - Fire secondary weapon (if available)
R2 Button - Enter Sniping Mode
L1 Button - Lock on to closest enemy in range/Switch between targeted
L2 Button - Guard (this works regardless of whether your MS has a
shield equipped)

L3 - Resupply at Supply Depot

R3 + L3 - Drop shield (if equipped)

L2 + Triangle button - Shield attack (only with certain types of shield)


The D-pad allows you to issue commands to your Support MS during a mission.
The variety and usefullness of these orders will increase at certain points in
the game as you achieve certain ranks.

Up Button - Attack, Form Up (1st Lieutenant onwards), Charge
Down Button - Hold position
Left Button - Spread Out (1st Lieutenant onwards), Concentrate fire on
targeted enemy
(Major onwards)
Right Button - Concentrate fire on targeted enemy (Major onwards)

2.0 - Gameplay:

2.1 - Abbreviations:
GTIS: Gundam Target in Sight (or Gundam Crossfire if you live elsewhere in
the world). The game you are playing whilst reading this guide. Note: This
guide becomes infinetly less useful if you aren’t playing Target in Sight.

EFF: Earth federation Forces. Roughly equivalent to today’s United Nations. An
international government that rules Earth.

Zeon: The Principality of Zeon. Expansionist aggressor space colony that
declares war upon the Earth Federation.

MS: Mobile Suit. The generalised name given to all robots featured in the
Gundam series. For the purposes of this game, it covers anything that you are
able to pilot. Not to be confused with Mobile Armour, which in this game refers
to specialized units such as the Hildolfr or Apsalus.

2.2 - Basic techniques:

Take it Easy: Whilst many may disagree with me here, I found Normal difficulty
(the game’s defualt setting) to be murderously hard. The main campaign itself
is really quite short (around 4 hours) and the game is designed to be played
through again on a harder difficulty (later suits don’t even unlock until your
second playthrough). Your best bet for an enjoyable experience is to start on
easy and work your way up to the later difficulties.

Snipe: If you have the chance to snipe an enemy, then do! The AI is able to
accurately enagage you at much longer ranges than you can with the lock on
function, so be sure to snipe all eligible targets before you move in. You can
snipe with all ranged weapons, just be sure to elevate your reticule over long
distance to allow for bullet drop. Finally, Dont ever try to snipe moving
targets, it is a guaranteed waste of time.

Deploy, Deploy!: Whilst you are totally at liberty to skip a mission, the
lack of funds and experience will leave you at a serious disadvantage later in
the game. Take every mission available to you (with the possible exception of
the training simulations)even if it means deploying with a mildly damaged MS.

Take Your Time: This game has very different look and feel from other Gundam
games and as such requires a very different approach. Gone are the days when
you could happily run about slaying all and sundry with impunity, your only
true enemy the threat of overwhelming numbers or the appearance of an Ace
pilot. controls in GTIS are much more akin to something like the Armoured Core
series than any preceeding Gundam games.You are very vunerable throughout the
game, especially so at the beginning when you have only the bargain basement
suits at your disposal, so try and refrain from running in guns blazing.

Conserve your Ammo: Ammunition for almost all weapons (with the possible
exception of EFF head/chest vulcans) is severely limited. Use of Supply Depots
in this game is mandatory, not optional, and you should always make every
effort to preserve this very frail bulding/unit during a mission.

Control your Barbarian Urges: You will quickly discover that melee weapons
inflict ten times more damage than ranged ones, and may be tempted to use this
as your primary means of dispatching your foes. Whilst this works fine on the
enemy in question (if you can close the distance safely) any unengaged enemies
will quickly tear you to pieces. As such, use melee only on single enemies or
if you are sure that the others are out of range and wont interrupt you.

Use Cover: Certain weapons, particularly cannons, bazookas and beam weapons
can destroy you in just a few hits. This is especially noticeable when playing
the Zeon campaign as EFF has Guntanks and Spray Gun equipped GM’s from the off.
Common sense applies here, so if you can use the terrain to your advantage to
avoid or outflank an enemy, then do.

Upgrade to a Brighter Future: Opening impressions of the fragility of your
MS will lead many to pour all their hard earned points into defense upgrades.
I certainly did. Unfortunately, the defense upgrades offer the lowest
performance increase for the money by quite some margin. A Level 8 defense suit
is only ever margianlly more durable than a Level 0. Instead start by raising
Weapons to Level 8. Even the lowliest of suits has some fairly decent weaponry
available to it at Level 8. Then concentrate on Attack to get your melee/ranged
damage up to a respectable level. Only then should you invest in Defence, and
only if you plan on keeping the suit for a while. And only if you dont have
other suits to upgrade. You get the picture.

2.3 - Advanced Strategies:

Close Distance Effectively: Please do not charge enemies in straight line
unless they are already close. This is not the kind of game where you can
afford to take a rocket to the chest. One exception: If you have a viable
secondary weapon (we’re talking vulcans here) then draw your melee weapon
whilst blazing away with these to keep the enemy from retaliating while you
close on them. For all other suits, walk in zig-zagging, drawing your melee
weapon at the last moment, or boost in at an angle.

The Thrust: Whilst boosting toward an enemy with your melee weapon drawn,
press triangle at the end of the boost to execute a flying thrust. It has a
high probability of missing your intended target, but it is a good opener
regardless, since you will likely land behind them if you miss, forcing them
to turn around before they can retaliate, by which point you can be long gone.
If it does hit, it seems to have a higher probability (relative to a normal
melee swing) of hitting them in the head, which can lead to insta-kill

Learn to work with Auto Target: The auto target system has some quirks that
you need to become acustomed too in order to avoid embarrasing defeats.
i) If you are prioritising one enemy far away over another closer to you, make
sure you are looking straight at them or the system will automatically lock
onto the closer target when you press L1. ii)You cannot shoot vertically up.
Bear this in mind when shooting down planes or helicopters, because even though
you may be locked onto them, you will still miss by a country mile. iii)If you
are locked onto an enemy and attempting to strafe, make sure you strafe in the
OPPOSITE direction to your enemy. For some reason when you run in the
direction as them, shots are much more likely to go wide of the mark. This will
be much more noticeable once you start using single shot weapons like beam
rifles or bazookas.

2.4 - List of Available Mobile Suits:

List of Earth Federation Mobile Suits:
RGM-79D GM Type D
RGM-79FP GM Striker
RGM-79G GM Command
RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type
RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
RGC-80 GM Cannon
RX-75 Guntank
RX-75 MP Guntank
RMV-1 Guntank II
RX-77-2 Guncannon
RX-77-2 Guncannon ML
RX-77D MP Guncannon
RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type
RX-79[G] Ez-8 Gundam Ez-8
RX-78-2 Gundam

List of Principality of Zeon Mobile Suits:
MS-05 Zaku I
MS-06 Zaku II
MS-06K Zaku Cannon
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type
MS-07B Gouf
MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom
MS-09 Dom
MS-09K-2 Dom Cannon
MS-14A Gelgoog
MS-18E Kampfer
MSM-03 Gogg
MSM-03C Hygogg
MSM-04 AC Guy
MSM-07 Z’Gok
MSM-07E Z’Gok-E
YMT-05 Hildolfr
YMS-16M Xamel

3.0 - Walkthrough

- All directions (North, East, South, West, etc) are given in relation to
the player’s starting position and the direction in which they are facing.

- All missions are arranged in chronological order (i.e. by the end date),
not by the order in which they are necessarily made available to you.

- Training Missions are not explored in this walkthrough, since they are
usually just straight re-hashs of missions you have already done. They don’t
offer much in the way of points or a challenge, and are best left for testing
out new suits and the like. The only exception to this is a special training
mission offered towards the end of Very Hard mode, where the user will be
pitted against the opposing side’s top MS whilst playing out the Mining Base
attack/defense mission. this is the toughest challenge available to you in the
game, so be sure not to miss it if you fancy proving your worth.

----3.1 - Earth Federation Forces Walkthrough----------------------------------

Mission 01
Mission Location: Ruins
Mission Name: GM Evaluation
Points for completion: 1500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 10.3
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is the training mission - you will only play this on the first
playthrough. All subsequent playthroughs will start you on what is essentially
the second mission.

Start out by destroying the three captured Zaku I’s in the ruined city. Upon
completing you will be ordered to return to the start point. Three Zaku II’s
then crash the party from the West. You can either retreat to the start point
or reduce them to ash to finish the mission.
Mission 02
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: Reconnaisance
Points for completion: 1200
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.6
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your ms

Minovsky Particle density prevents you from using your radar on this mission,
so you’re flying blind. All you need to do is romp around the map mopping up
the few Zakus and Magella tanks that are dotted about. Easy.
Mission 03
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: Rescue Hovertruck
Points for completion: 1800
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.9
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of Hovertruck convoy/your MS

At the start of this mission, Three Zaku’s will descend the mountain slope
from the NW. They are closer to the convoy than you so make sure you get over
to engage them quickly. This is followed by another three Zakus from the same
NW position, before Zeon sends in three slow moving Bomber planes from the
East. As long as you dispatch enemies as they arrive you shouldn’t struggle
Mission 04
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: WDB Defense
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 10.13
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of base HQ/Destruction of your MS

As you begin there will be three groups of Zakus/Magella tanks approaching
from the North, NW, and West respectively. Deal with those to the North and
then sweep across the base’s NW flank to mop up the other attackers. Zeon will
then send in two more groups from the North and West. Once these are dealt with
a final group will attack from the West. Job Done.
Mission 05
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Beachhead
Points for completion: 2000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Going over the 5 minute time limit/Destruction of your MS

Helpfully you start this mission right next to one of two bases you need to
destroy. Raze this to the ground and then head NE to the second base.
Resistance is light, just Zaku I/II’s and Magella tanks. Mop up any
reinforcements and move on.
Mission 06
Mission Location: Ruins
Mission Name: Raid on Point
Points for completion: 2000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

At the start of this mission head North up the main street of the city,
destroying the Magellas and Zakus located there. Two Zaku’s will then arrive
from the West. Once these are dead, a third group will come in from the East
comprising of *dramatic music* a trio of Goufs! Keep the Goufs at range and
then attack from distance with your allies since their Heat Sword is pretty
deadly at this stage of the game. Once they are dispatched tanks will roll in
from the West. Purge the infidels to finish the mission.
Mission 07
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Bridge Demolition
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.22
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is a potentially tricky mission on the first playthrough. I used a GM
Cannon because the heavy damage and range is a valuable commodity. That said,
if you are feeling brave and dexterous, a close combat load out on a GM Type D
or some such can also be a good bet.

At the start of the mission take out the Zaku and Magellas close to you, and
then move North to the first bridge. Deal with the Acguy first, since they are
pretty devestating if they get going, and make sure to be on the move at all
times because the area is crawling with Zaku Cannons. Rather than destroy the
bridge with precious ammo, drop into the river next to it and melee it into
oblivion. Proceed to the NW bridge using similar tactics. Whilst this is going
on, another three Zaku cannons will arrive on the scene. Be sure to keep close
to them to prevent them using their shoulder cannons. The second they are gone,
three Acguys will arrive from the West end, up the river. Split them up and
deal with them seperately to win the mission.
Mission 08
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Conquer Zeon Base
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 10.27
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is a long tough mission, so remember to preserve your two supply depots
at all costs. Proceed to the first enemy base, taking out the three Goggs and
the Magellas behind them as you move up the river. Move on to the second base
where you will find a Gouf on guard along with a few more Magellas. You will
then need to sprint back to the starting point as fast as you can, because a
Gouf and a Gogg have been deployed where you started. They will almost
certainly destroy the first supply depot, but you should aim to reach them
before they destroy the second, as this may cause you to fail the mission.
Just to make life hard, two waves of helicopters will come in from the East,
and another group of Goggs from the North up the river. It all gets a bit
chaotic here, but keep your head and don’t allow yourslef to become surrounded.
Always keep on the move, because Goggs pack a mean medium range punch. And
don’t enagage them in close combat unless you are feeling especially confident.
They may seem tough, but they are slow as hell, so use this to your advantage.
Mission 09
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Diversion Attack
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 10.30
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Going over 5 minute time limit/Destruction of your MS

Easy peasy this one. Simply charge in with your allies and engage the various
Zakus, Goufs and tanks floating around. Reinforcements will arrive, but nothing
that will spoil your day. There is a five minute time limit, but it’s almost
impossible to take longer than a few minutes on this mission.
Mission 10
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Rescue the Medea
Points for completion: 2800
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.2
Win Condition: Safe passage of all 3 Medea transports
Loss Condition: Destruction of all 3 Medea transports/Destruction of your MS

Another simple mission this one. You start with three supply depots, but you
will likely lose a couple through the course of the mission. Just make sure
you protect at least one of them because you will have to reload during this
mission. The Medea’s will fly in one at a time (helpfully) and move across
from side of the operation zone to the other. They will come under attack from
various sides, but we are talking aircraft here, so protecting them should be
a piece of cake. Just be sure to pick a suit with decent anti air and lots
of ammo, because getting hit isn’t an issue here.
Mission 11
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Capture Naval Base
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 11.4
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

As you begin, enter sniper mode and aim for the Dom standing at the docks in
the Naval Base if you can, it will hep thin their numbers. After this head
straight for the Naval Base, destroying any Magellas along the way. A couple
of Doms will come out from the base to meet you. Try and keep them together if
you can because they will try and encircle you, which could spell disaster
given that they are packing 360mm Bazookas. Once these guys are history, eight
Z’goks will come in from the ocean side of the base in two waves of four.
Destroy them and the base is yours.
Mission 12
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Mopping Up
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.6
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Going over the 6 minute time limit/ Destruction of your MS

My personal preference is to go for the Gaw straight away here, before the
other forces engage you. At any rate make sure not to let it leave the
operation zone. After this is gone, clear both sides of the river of any
Acguys. Helicopters and Acguy reinforcements will then turn up. Dispatch these
to finish the mission.
Mission 13
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Support Allies
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.9
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

You start this mission at the base of the mountain. Proceed straight up the
side, taking out the Zakus, Goufs and bunkers that litter the area.
Reinforcements will then appear from the East, comprising Zakus and Gouf
Customs. These guys are attacking from high ground, and have a nasty habit of
firing down on you from outside the operation zone. Luckily, your allies should
do a fair job of engaging them, so just keep on the move and wear them down.
Mission 14
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Capture Supply Base
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.14
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Again you start the base of the mountain here. Move up the slope to engage
the waiting Dom Cannons as swiftly as possible, mopping up the bunkers as you
go. Luckily, The Doms will move down the mountain side to engage you rather
than sit back and fire at you with their shoulder cannons. Once you get to the
top, destroy the first supply base to trigger the arrival of two more Dom
Cannons from the North, swiftly followed by two Goufs. From here destroy the
last supply base and it’s all done.
Mission 15
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Devil in the Skies
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.17
Win Condition: Force the Apsalus to flee
Loss Condition: Going over the 6 minute time limit/Destruction of your MS

Refreshing change of pace here. Once the mission starts, walk forward a bit
and the Apsalus mobile armour will show up. You have no radar in this mission
but you won’t need it as everything is in visual range anyway. The Apsalus is
pretty damn tough, and has a nasty habit of flying around the map in a set
pattern which makes it difficult to hit whilst moving. Your best bet is to
stay close to it, realise when it is about to stop and make a turn, and give it
both barrels. Rinse and repeat until it flees. Helicopters will show up from
all directions to support the Apsalus during this mission but they are more of
an annoyance than a threat, and your allies should do an admirable job of
shooting them down. Just make sure they dont get to your supply depot as you
will definetly need to re-arm a few times during this fight.
Mission 16
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Naval Base Defence
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

At the start of the mission, helicopters will arrive from the North, NW and
West. Take these down and a Gallop class land warship will arrive with a
tank/bomber escort.Deal with the escort first as the Gallop is totally useless
and can be destroyed at leisure. Four Acguys will then show up, followed by
another three. Mission complete.
Mission 17
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Escort Hovertruck
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Desturction of Hovertruck convoy/Destruction of your MS

As soon as you start, you will be informed of the unplanned appearance of a
Gaw carrier plane in the area, which you may take down if you wish. You may as
well since there are no enemies about at this point. Once this is down
helicopters will come from the West followed by planes from the East. The
escort Guncannons you get are very capable, so it’s hard to get into trouble
on this mission.
Mission 18
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Enemy Intercept
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allow an enemy to cross the defence line/Destruction of your

All you have to do here is stop the Zeon forces from crossing the line that
marks the rear of the operation zone. Be aware that the enemy is less concerned
with killing you than it is with crossing this line, so don’t expect them to
come to you. It is a general mix of tanks, Zakus and Z’Goks which all arrive
fairly slowly, and can be picked off with ease.
Mission 19
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Capture Supplies
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.25
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of all Samson Trailers/Destruction of your MS

This one can be quite tricky, since the enemy are fairly numerous, and your
only supply point is in the middle of the map surrounded by Zeon forces. From
the start, head North and take out the two Magellas and the Zaku I ahead of
you. Then turn to the East and destroy the singular Dom that will be trying to
attack your flank. Skirt around further to the East and then use the hill tops
to snipe down into the area containing the Samsons and supply depot. Be sure
not to lock on to the Samson trailers accidentally. Whilst you are picking
them off, Dom and Zaku I reinforcements will arrive from the North. It can get
a little messy toward the end of the mission, as you will invariably have to
dash in to the supply depot for a refill. Just ensure you prioritise the
destruction of the Doms and then the Zakus in any given situation, since both
units are carrying heavy hitting bazookas in this mission.
Mission 20
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Escort Big Tray
Points for completion: 5000
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 11.28
Win Condition: Allow Big tray to leave the mission area
Loss Condition: Destruction of Big Tray/Destruction of your MS

Head North immediatly at the start of this mission. Here you will intercept
the first lot of MS looking to destroy the Big Tray. As a rule in this mission,
always prioritise the removal of the Dom Cannons, since they pack a much bigger
punch than any of the helicopters and tanks that swarm this area. Make sure
you pick a suit that has decent anti air though, because it will be necessary
to destroy these annoyances as you move from Dom to Dom in order to stop
Big Tray from becoming swamped. Ammo will likely become an issue towards the
end, but you don’t have time to return to the supply depot without comprimising
your chances of completing the mission. Stick it out, even if you are reduced
to just vulcans and Beam Saber. Big Tray is fairly tough, but towards the
end especially it only takes one stray Dom Cannon round to end it all, so
stay sharp.
Mission 21
Mission Location: Canyon
Mission Name: Hold the Line
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.3
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allow an enemy unit to cross the line/Destruction of your MS

As you can guess from the title, do not allow any Zeon unit to cross over
the line that marks the rear of the operation zone as you start. Resistance is
light and sporadic, so just make sure you stay well stocked with ammo between
attack waves. The waves are as follows:
2xDom + Magella Tanks
3xDom + Aircraft
2xDom + Aircraft
Mission 22
Mission Location: Canyon
Mission Name: Breakthrough
Points for completion: 5000
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 12.6
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allow an enemy unit to cross the line/Destruction of your MS

Same idea as the previous mission, enemies will come in waves and attempt to
cross the rear of the operation area. Be sure to retreat after each wave and
replenish your ammo. Waves are as follows:
2xGouf + Dom Cannon + Magella Tanks
Gouf + Dom Cannon + Helicopters
2xGouf Custom
2xDom Cannon
Mission 23
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Unidentified Enemy
Points for completion: 4500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.14
Win Condition: Destruction of Hildolfr mobile armour
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Intercept and destroy all incoming Doms and Magellas until a mysterious tank
arrives. This is the Hildolfr. It would be wise to take this opportunity to
visit the supply depot, since the Hildolfr has a fairly hefty amount of armour.
When engaging it, do not attack from the front, this will only invite death
from its main cannon. Keep circle strafing it and it wll go down fairly
Mission 24
Mission Location: Canyon
Mission Name: Lockdown
Points for completion: 6000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 12.17
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allow an enemy unit to cross the line/Destruction of your MS

Once more with feeling? As always, do not allow your opponents to cross the
line. Be aware that unlike previous missions, the Zeon forces will make a much
better effort at crossing the line than in previous times, so don’t let one
catch you by suprise and slip by. Also, the assault waves tend to merge this
time rather than allowing you time to recover, so take absolutely every
opportunity to reload. When the Xamels arrive, let the Doms come to you and
dispatch them out of sight of the Xamel, since it packs a fairly ferocious
punch. Waves are as follows (roughly):
3xDom + Magella Tanks
Dom + Gouf Custom + Helicopters
Xamel + 2xDom + Helicopters
2xDom + Gouf Custom
Xamel + 2xDom
Mission 25
Mission Location: Mining Base
Mission Name: Capture Mining Base
Points for completion: 8000
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 12.31
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

The final mission. It’s a long one, but resistance is pretty light and you
shouldn’t struggle whilst piloting a Gundam(G) or Ez-8. You only have one
supply depot in this mission, concealed in the trench ahead of you as you
start. The trench offers good natural protection, but be sure to protect it at
all costs. As you start out there will be two Zaku I’s to the North and a
Gelgoog to the NW, along with six helicopters spread across various areas. This
will be swiftly followed up by a pair of Gelgoogs and a Zaku I from the North.
Stage one of the assault complete.
The mission area will now expand. Press North and engage two Gelgoogs and a
Zaku I to the West, with a lone Zaku I coming from the North. Once these are
gone, a Gelgoog and two Zaku I’s will attack over the mountains, slightly to
the NE. Defeat these and a similar group will attack from the same location.
The pressure drops a bit here, so take the opportunity to resupply if you
haven’t already. Three helicopters will come in from the West after a while,
followed by another three from the North.
The operation area will expand for the final time. Time for the Zeon’s last
stand. Head North again and follow the natural curve of the terrain round to
the West. In the trench immediatley ahead of you there will be two Zaku I’s
and a Gelgoog. Press on into the base proper and dispatch the remaining
Gelgoog guarding the HQ. Destroy the HQ as soon as possible, since as long as
it stands they will keep sending Gelgoogs to interrupt you. Once the HQ has
fallen, simply mop up the survivors and it’s game over.
Mission 26 (Only available from Normal Difficulty and higher)
Mission Location: Mining Base
Mission Name: Base Assault (Hard)
Points for completion: 15000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.31
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces and Zeon HQ
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

For those that enjoy a frustrating challenge only. When they say hard in this
mission, they mean hard. There seems to be no real advantage for choosing this
mission over the standard one other than recieving an extra helping of points
when you start your next playthrough. If you do opt for this hellish assault,
be sure to choose whatever you consider to be your best suit, stressing armour
and ammo where possible. You are going to have to reload a lot no matter what
happens, but trying to disengage large groups midway through a fight because
you have run dry is a hardship you could do without here. On that note, if you
lose your supply depot you will need to restart. There are so many tough MS to
tackle that defending your supply depot is a necessity, so keep an eye out for
errant helicopters threatening this building.
As you start, engage the Gelgoog to your NW, and then the Kampfer and Gelgoog
that were ahead of you at the start of the mission. The next step is to meet
the following wave of Kampfer/Gelgoogs and take down the Kampfer before drawing
the Gelgoogs into the trench with you, affording you some cover whilst you
dispatch them. Take this opportunity to mop up any helicopters, and destroy
any other enemies that come over the boundary line.
You will then recieve a cutscene before the operational area expands and you
can move forward. More Kampfers/Gelgoogs/Helicopters abound here, so deal with
them before taking out the three radar stations (red squares on the map). After
this, another cutscene before the map expands again.
Do not be tempted here to take the high ground and shoot down on the base
defenders, it usually results in trouble. Instead, follow the dirt road round,
taking out the closest enemies and then retreating to allow you to deal with
the reinforcements that will come in from behind. Once reinforcements have
stopped, backtrack and take the aforementioned high ground to engage the
Gelgoogs guarding the HQ. This reduces the chance of you taking a stray beam
rifle round on the way in. Alternatively, you can choose to advance by using
the two trenches in this area.
When all enemy MS are dispatched, demolish Zeon HQ to win the mission.


----3.2 - Principality of Zeon Walkthrough-------------------------------------
Mission 01
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Hold the Base
Points for completion: 1200
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 10.3
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

The training mission - you will only play this on the first playthrough.
All subsequent playthroughs will start you on what is essentially the second

Head North at the start of this mission and destroy the M61 tanks ahead of
you. A GM will then enter the area from the NE. Dispatch him to trigger the
arrival of another two GMs from the same location. Once they are defeated, a
final GM will approach from the North. Mission complete.
Mission 02
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Federation Base
Points for completion: 1500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.7
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Recommend heading for the NW enemy base first. The large mountain you must go
around to reach this base makes it easy for you to launch a suprise attack on
the one unsuspecting GM defending it. Mop up the Gunboat in the river and the
defending tanks, then head straight for the NE base, ignoring the warning
about incoming reinforcements. Destroy the tanks in the NE base and you should
be just in time to catch the first wave of incoming GMs. More GMs will arrive.
Take them out to finish the mission.
Mission 03
Mission Location: Ruins
Mission Name: Advance Escort
Points for completion: 1800
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.12
Win Condition: Allowing Magella Tank convoy to cross the operation area
Loss Condition: Destruction of Magella Tank convoy/Destruction of your MS

At the start of the mission, there will be one GM to your NW, and a further two
in the city ruins straight ahead of you. Destroy them quickly, but be sure they
do not surround you, they have a nasty habit of drawing their Beam Sabers and
cutting you up. Two more GMs will then turn up from the East, followed by two
Guntanks from the NE. Be sure to engage these two quickly, since they can
really tear holes in the convoy if you let them. A final two GMs will appear
from the East once the Guntanks are gone. After all enemies are dispatched,
allow the convoy to reach the other side of the map to complete the mission.
Mission 04
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: WDB Assault
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.17
Win Condition: Destruction of enemy HQ
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is a toughie the first time around. To sit around and try and dispatch
all enemies is to invite death in this mission, so instead go straight for the
HQ, since it is the primary win condition. Dash straight ahead, ignoring the
two incoming GMs, and zig-zagging to avoid artillery fire from the Guntanks at
the back of the base. Be sure to instruct your allies to follow you, since they
will tie up the GMs and prevent you taking a stray round in the back. As you
close on the base, take out any nearby tanks, but keep moving and head for the
two Guntanks defending the HQ. Take them out and then go to work on the HQ.
Reinforcements will arrive, but they should not reach in time. Just remember to
be on the move at all times and you shouldn’t struggle too much.
Mission 05
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: Aerial Intercept
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 10.22
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allowing an enemy to enter the base/Destruction of your MS

A tip for this one, head North straight away with your ally in tow. Position
your ally on the edge of the base and leave him there as a safety net for any
aircraft you may miss. Proceed North again to the waters edge and await the
various waves of aircraft that will appear. After a while, a few GMs/GM Cannons
will arrive from the East. Ignore them and concentrate on the aircraft, making
sure to stay as far North as possible, so that the enemy MS do not feel obliged
to shell you instead of the base defenders. Once the aircraft have stopped
coming, mop up the GMs to win the mission.
Mission 06
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Assault on Flank
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 10.25
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Proceed straight ahead, prioritising destruction of the M61s and Guntank. Move
on to engage the two GM’s attacking your allies. Ignore the aircraft until
later. As soon as you recieve the warning about incoming reinforcements, head
back to intercept the GM holding a Long Rifle from the West. Close to short
range immediately, guns blazing. If you let the GM get a shot off, it will
likely destroy you in a single shot. Assuming this goes off without a hitch,
move directly to engage the GM that arrived from the South taking care to avoid
its Beam Gun. Deal with the aircraft and the mission is complete.
Mission 07
Mission Location: Ruins
Mission Name: Guntank Directive
Points for completion: 2000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 10.26

Win Condition: Destruction of all three Guntanks
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Easy this one. Skirt round to the NE, removing any GMs or tanks that cross
your path. Then head West into the city ruins and close on the three Guntanks
hiding therein. They should not pose a problem at such short range. As long as
you concentrate your efforts on the Guntanks, none of the reinforcements should
reach you before you complete the mission.
Mission 08
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: End of the Line
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 10.31
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

The first base should be in front of you as you start this mission. Destroy
the tanks guarding it and move North to the next closest base containing two
GMs. From here you can cross the river to the final base, protected by two
more GMs and M61s. Two more GMs will arrive at your start position. Trek back
to kill them and it’s mission over.
Mission 09
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Transport Ambush
Points for completion: 2500
Number of Support MS allowed: 1
End Date: 11.2
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy transports
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

As you start this mission, make a dash for the far NW boundary. Here you can
intercept the first transport ship and its fighter escort. Destroying the
transport will trigger the arrival of a GM Cannon from the same position. Once
it is destroyed head across the river to the NE boundary and down the next
transport. Then wait at the rivers edge for a Gunboat, swiftly followed by
another. A final transport will arrive from the same location along with a few
GMs and planes. Ignore the backup and go for the transport to finish the
Mission 10
Mission Location: Jungle
Mission Name: Jungle Recon
Points for completion: 2800
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.3
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Going over the 8 minute time limit/ Destruction of your MS

You have no radar on this mission, but fear not. Just troop around the map
taking out any GMs that crossd your path. Use distress calls from the four
bases in the map to discern the location of your opponents. There are only
five GMs in all, so they should not be difficult to overcome.
Mission 11
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Coup de Main
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.5
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Again you have no radar for this mission. Simply sweep both sides of the
river for enemies (ideally, one side at a time). The only thing you need to be
aware of is the presence of a Gundam(G) that turns up from the North boundary
at some point.
Mission 12
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Retake Naval Base
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.11
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

As you start, enter Sniper mode and take out the three GMs standing at the
edge of the docks. After this head for the resupply point and sweep into the
the Naval Base, cleaning up any remaining tanks or GMs. You will then have to
endure two waves of four GMs each coming from the sea. I would advise
retreating to the supply area here and allow them to occupy the Naval Base so
that you can snipe them from range. This mission can be incredibly tough due
to the sheer number of enemies you have to face with a very limited MS
selection. Just remember that you have unlimited ammo, since the supply truck
never comes under attack, so you can afford to take your time and engage from
Mission 13
Mission Location: Mighty River
Mission Name: Pursuit
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.15
Win Condition: Destruction of all three enemy Gunboats
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Don’t waste your time with the enemy MS here, they are fairly numerous and
packing some serious weaponry. Instead, just boost along the river’s edge
taking out the three gunboats before the enemy can overwhelm you. You can
forestall this by ordering your allies to follow you – they should tie up a
few of the GMs while you work.
Mission 14
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Ambush
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.18
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

A long, tough mission this one. Leave your allies at the top of the mountain
to offer some measure of defence for your supply depot should any enemy slip
past you. You will need the supply depot if you are to complete this mission.
My advice is to stay high up in the mountain and allow the waves of enemies to
come to you, firing down on them for best effect. There are multiple waves of
GMs and Guncannons, but as long as you wear them down as they are moving up the
mountain, they should not overwhelm you.
Mission 15
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Samson Trailer
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.21
Win Condition: Going over the 5 minute time limit
Loss Condition: Destruction of Both supply depots/Destruction of your MS

It is very difficult to defend both supply depots in this mission, so I would
recommend picking one and sticking to defending that. Make sure you pick an MS
with a machine gun and plenty of ammo, since there are lots of aircraft and
being damaged isn’t really a concern. Hold your ground and destroy any enemy
aircraft that come into range until the time is up.
Mission 16
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Samson Trailer
Points for completion: 3000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 11.24
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of all 3 Samson units/Destruction of your MS

Do not sit back and wait for your enemies here, they will often snipe the
Samson trailers from outside of the defended position. Leave your allies at
the base to offer a last line of defense. Stock up on ammo regularly and
engage any groups that stray into the operation zone.
Mission 17
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Sharpshooter
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 11.29
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Allowing an enemy to leave the operation area/Destruction of
your MS

Groan. There is one part of this mission that embodies everything that is
wrong with this game. The waves you must intercept are as follows:

3xHovertrucks/Trucks from NE
4xM-61 Tanks from NW
3xGuntanks from NW
3xHovertrucks/Trucks from NE
3xGM from NW

Try and get back to the supply depot after every wave to stay well stocked.
Upon defeating the final wave listed above, dash straight to the South to
intercept a wave of GMs that will be moving in from the East to the South. They
have a very small area of ground to cross in order to succeed, and, to make
matters worse they are constantly jumping, making it nigh on impossible to
hit them reliably due to the limitations of the targeting system. Your best
bet is to try and get directly in front of them, but you will have to move very
quickly indeed. On the plus side, only one hit is required to make them stop
jumping and come after you. Frankly though, this one is down to blind luck
rather than any kind of skill, so prepare for frustration.
Mission 18
Mission Location: Naval Base
Mission Name: Naval Base Defence
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.4
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is a straight up attack waves affair. I would recommend going out to meet
the individual waves just in case you need to dash back for a resupply
mid-fight. Groups are as follows:

3xGundam(G) from NE
6xAircraft from West
3xGundam(G) from North
3xGundam(G) + Aircraft from NW
Mission 19
Mission Location: Mountain
Mission Name: Supply Base Defence
Points for completion: 3500
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.4
Win Condition: Goin over the 5 minute time limit/Destruction of all enemy
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

As you start, there will be a group of three Guntanks at the base of the
mountain. Leave these guys till last, but keep in mind that they are there, so
stay on the move and don’t stray too far down the mountain. Several waves will
appear and make their way up the mountain, consisting of:


Once the reinforcements stop coming, you will be pretty close to the time
limit. You can either wait it out if you are badly damaged, or move down the
mountain and flank the Guntanks to get a 100% enemy destruction ratio.
Mission 20
Mission Location: Military Base
Mission Name: Recapture
Points for completion: 5000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.5
Win Condition: Destruction of enemy HQ
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

As per Mission 04, except that you come in from the West this time. Keep your
allies in tow to tie up any enemies, and charge straight into the base,
clearing the area around the HQ. You should be able to demolish the HQ long
before anyone catches up with you.
Mission 21
Mission Location: Canyon
Mission Name: Defence Line
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 12.8
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Pretty easy this one. The Dom Cannons supporting you are fairly capable, and
all you have to do stop the various incoming attack waves consiting of
Guncannons, GMs and aircraft. Just be sure to stay well stocked on ammo.
Mission 22
Mission Location: Desert
Mission Name: Transport Withdrawal
Points for completion: 4000
Number of Support MS allowed: 2
End Date: 12.19
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of all 3 Samson trailers/Destruction of your MS

Be aware that the Samon trailers are to the West of your starting position,
outside of the natural shelter where you start. Attackers are as follows:

3xGundam(G) from NE
3xGundam(G) from East
3xGundam(G) from NW
2xGundam(G) + GM Sniper from South
Mission 23
Mission Location: Mining Base
Mission Name: Big Tray Assault
Points for completion: 6000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 12.24
Win Condition: Destruction of Big Tray land warship
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

Ignore the Gundam(G) escort, just keep circle strafing the Big Tray and pound
it until it is destroyed. You can take out the escort and any ensuing
reinforcements first if you like, but this usually necessitates an unecessary
return to the supply depot.
Mission 24
Mission Location: Canyon
Mission Name: Rescue Allies
Points for completion: 5000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 12.24
Win Condition: Safe withdrawal of allied forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of Allies/Destruction of your MS

Head North at the start of the mission and meet up with the two retreating
Zaku I’s. Hold your ground here and engage the various forces that will come
from the same direction. Enemy forces comprise entirely of Guncannons and
aircraft, which should pose you no problem by this stage in the game. As
always, stay well stocked with ammo and don’t allow any MS to slip by you.
Mission 25
Mission Location: Mining Base
Mission Name: Mining Base Defence
Points for completion: 8000
Number of Support MS allowed: 0
End Date: 12.31
Win Condition: Destruction of all enemy forces
Loss Condition: Destruction of your MS

This is it then, make or break time for the Zeon forces. Note that for this
mission I will be referring to North as being the top of the operation area
(as opposed to the direction in which you are facing at the start of the
mission) since the operation area will expand several times during this
mission, and this helps make things simpler.

Head straight ahead as you start and engage the two Gundam(G) and Guntanks
that show up. Round the corner they came from and head up the canyon to meet
the two Gundam(G) that follow. This will then be followed by two Guuntanks,
then two more Gundam(G) and finally two more Guntanks. I would advise staying
at the very top of the operation area, since the enemy has a nasty habit of
firing on the second supply depot which you cannot reach at this stage in the
mission. Simply stay at the top of the map and draw the enemies attention.
The map area will now expand. Move into the area housing the new supply
depot and defend it against the next waves of enemies. Be aware that groups of
aircraft will be sent in sporadically as well. Your allies should do a fair job
of shooting them down, but keep an eye on the visible condition of the depot to
decide whether you need to make aircraft your priority. Enemies are as follows:

1xGundam(G) + 2xGuntank from West
1xGundam(G) + 1xGuntank from North
2xGuntank from North
2xGundam(G) from North

The operation Zone will expand for the final time. Stay put and deal with any
aircraft that threaten the supply depot, and then get fully resupplied. There
will now be four Guntanks in the NE, two more in the NW and two Gundam(G)
guarding the center. How you deal with this last phase is up to you, but I
normally start with the NE, then retreat and strike to the NW. Be aware that
when you destroy any of these groups, they will be replaced by an identical
group who will assume the same position. Given this, repeat the steps above a
second time, and then move onto the two Gundams in the center. These will be
replced by two more Gundams, and then another two Gundams after that.
Assuming that you have taken out the Guntank support however, they should be
easy pickings. It’s a long, difficult mission, but as long as you take
advantage of the natural cover afforded by the terrain, it is very easy to
divide the enemy and pick them off in small groups.

4.0 – Mobile Suit Info:

– MS below are referred to here as they appear in the game for ease of
reference, not the list of official names used in section 2.4.

– I wanted to include all possible upgrades for the various MS, so that
people could see which stage of upgrade would yield which result.
However due to the cost of upgrades and the fairly large range of models, it
would have been far too time consuming to get these done in any reasonable
time. I will add these at a later date if I ever get through them all! For the
time being only the full range of weapon upgrades is available.

– Some units gain access to a shield through Defence upgrades. As with the
above, I haven’t noted a shield for a unit if it gains one through defence

—-4.1 – Earth Federation Forces Mobile Suit Info—————————–

MP Guntank
Primary Weapon: Gun Launcher
Secondary Weapon: Gun Launcher
Special Weapon: 120mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: None
Shield: None
Armour: 2
Power: 2
Aim: 4
Speed: 1
Turn: 2
Boost: 1
Oh dear. If you like your Guntanks then you’re goning to have to wait for a
bit longer into the EFF campaign to get your fix. This is the first suit in
your hangar for the EFF, and with good reason. A suit so poor it makes the
Zaku II look accomplished. Does hit reasonably hard, and certainly looks
amusing when you hit the boosters, but doesn’t really have anything to
recommend it as a serious consideration for your hard earned points.

Primary Weapon: BOP Missile
Secondary Weapon: BOP Missile
Special Weapon: 120mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: None
Shield: None
Armour: 5
Power: 4
Aim: 7
Speed: 2
Turn: 3
Boost: 2
As with the MP Guntank. Can take significantly more punishment, but its
inability to dodge leaves you a sitting duck in most situations.

Guntank II
Primary Weapon: Rocket Pod
Secondary Weapon: Missile
Special Weapon: 120mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: None
Shield: None
Armour: 4
Power: 6
Aim: 7
Speed: 1
Turn: 2
Boost: 1
Hate Guntanks…..So don’t expect an unbiast writeup here. Seriously though,
this suit is just as rubbish as the others. It’s just a well armoured weapons
platform, so it does pack a punch because the weapon lineup is good. However,
it’s slow to fire, slower to move, and is incredibly intolerant of rough
terrain. Unless you have a serious love for Guntanks, you aren’t going to get
on with this. I tried to do some of the Mountain missions with one of these and
it was physically incapable of driving up to the top of the operation area and
kept getting stuck….

Primary Weapon: Bullpup MG
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Shield
Armour: 2
Power: 1
Aim: 2
Speed: 3
Turn: 3
Boost: 2
Your opinion on this suit depends entirely on which side you opted to play
first. If you went with Zeon, you will find this suit a revelation, since it
is significantly quicker and better armoured than its equivalent Zaku I/II.
If you chose EFF first, then you are probably still reeling from the totally
different feel of the MS in GTIS, and will likely be cursing the poor GM for
its clunky movement and slow turning speed. In truth, the GM is a very decent
starter suit, especially if you concentrate on weapon upgrades first, since
this gives you the Spray Gun, essentially a slightly less effective Beam Rifle.
Boost, armour and manevouverability are all pretty poor, as befits a starter
suit, but rest easy in the knowledge that you have much better stats than the
suits you will be facing at this stage of the game, unlike the poor suckers who
chose the Zeon campaign…

GM Type D
Primary Weapon: 90mm MG, Beam Gun, Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: Grenade
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Shield
Armour: 3
Power: 3
Aim: 4
Speed: 3
Turn: 4
Boost: 3
An incremental upgrade to the GM formula. Faster, better armour, more ammo.
Unfortunately, none of these increases are enough to warrant retaining
the suit or investing significant amounts of points for upgrades.

GM Cannon
Primary Weapon: Bullpup MG, Spray Gun, Beam Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: 240mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: Fists
Shield: None
Armour: 2
Power: 2
Aim: 5
Speed: 1
Turn: 2
Boost: 1
Think standard GM with a shoulder mounted 240mm cannon. Plus you can use the
Spray Gun as your primary weapon, so you have the ability to hit hard at long
and medium ranges. Head Vulcan rounds this suit off with some useful anti-air
defence. I really enjoyed this suit, and it is much more accomplished than
its Zaku Cannon counterpart. The only downside is that standing still to fire
the 240mm cannon is a bit of a liberty at this stage since you can’t afford to
take a stray round, so make sure you outrange your opponent before committing
to fire.

GM (G)
Primary Weapon: 100mm MG, Missile Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Long Rifle
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Claw Shield
Armour: 3
Power: 3
Aim: 2
Speed: 3
Turn: 2
Boost: 1
Another stats upgrade from the basic GM, but doesn’t come with any secondary
or special weapons. Furthermore, it doesn’t have much ammo for the good range
of primary weapons available to it. All in all a bit of a comprimise, but a
handy suit if you are going to be near a supply depot.

GM Striker
Primary Weapon: 100mm MG, Bullpup MG, Beam Gun
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: Grenade
Melee Weapon: Beam Lance
Shield: Claw Shield
Armour: 4
Power: 7
Aim: 1
Speed: 7
Turn: 7
Boost: 6
Many people will play through the game without ever experiencing this gem of
a suit. You get access to it just as Guncannons/Gundams are becoming available,
so naturally it will be shunned in favour of these newer and more respected
MS. The truth is that the Striker can embarass suits twice as expensive. It
doesn’t have a primary weapon to start with, only the rubbish grenade, but it
does have a massive twin bladed Beam Lance that cuts down most suits in a
single swipe. Weapon upgrades bring access to the standard MG/Beam Gun lineup
so it can fight at range as well. It’s quick and dexterous with good armour and
boost. Peerless if close combat is your preferred method of getting things

GM Command
Primary Weapon: Bullpup MG, Beam Gun, 380mm Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: Grenade
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Shield
Armour: 4
Power: 4
Aim: 4
Speed: 6
Turn: 5
Boost: 4
Ultimate evolution of the non-specialised type of GM. Decently quick, plenty
of boost and good armour. Weapon selection is a bit limited, but ammo supplies
are quite respectable. Other than that, it’s exactly the same as any other GM.

GM Sniper II
Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle, Long Rifle
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Shield
Armour: 5
Power: 5
Aim: 8
Speed: 7
Turn: 5
Boost: 5
Excellent chassis ultimately limited by its weapon selection. Since you can
only take sniper rifles, you never have enough ammo to achieve much before
needing to reload. It has great boost, decent armour and strong melee, but you
won’t find occasion to sample these abilities outside of a defence mission. It
has particularly weak AA since none of its weapons fire quickly or are
accurate against fast moving targets.

MP Guncannon
Primary Weapon: Bullpup MG, Beam Gun, Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: 240mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: Fists
Shield: None
Armour: 5
Power: 5
Aim: 7
Speed: 2
Turn: 4
Boost: 4
What you see is what you get with the Guncannon. It looks like an artillery
tanks with legs, and it pretty much is. You don’t get lightning fast response
or good turning speed, but you do get plenty of armour and plenty of decent
weaponry. That being said, the Guncannon can pick up a decent turn of speed
once you get going. Beam Gun is the primary weapon of choice, but you also get
a Head Vulcan for dealing with aircraft/keeping melee units at range, plus twin
240mm shoulder mounted cannons for softening up targets from range. Melee
damage is suprisingly respectable for a suit that has to rely on its fists,
but nevertheless don’t expect instant results.

Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle, 100mm MG, Beam Rifle (Upgraded)
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: 240mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: Fists
Shield: None
Armour: 7
Power: 5
Aim: 7
Speed: 2
Turn: 2
Boost: 3
Much the same as the MP Guncannon, except that you trade speed and turning
ability for extra armour. You also get access to a more potent set of primary
weapons. I find the MP version to be better overall, since the Guncannon
really is quite frustratingly slow at times.

Guncannon – ML
Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle, 100mm MG, Beam Rifle (Upgraded)
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: Missile Launcher
Melee Weapon: Fists
Shield: None
Armour: 7
Power: 6
Aim: 6
Speed: 3
Turn: 2
Boost: 3
Same as all the other Guncannons, but mounts twin rocket launchers instead of
240mm cannons. These are just as much of a pain as the cannons they replace
(since you have to stand still to fire them), but have a faster rate of fire
and seem to do a bit more damage as well. If you are going to get a Guncannon
after the MP version, this is probably the one to have.

Gundam (G)
Primary Weapon: 100mm MG, Missile Launcher, Rocket Launcher, 180mm Cannon,
Beam Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Chest Vulcan
Special Weapon: Multi Launcher
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Claw Shield
Armour: 5
Power: 5
Aim: 3
Speed: 4
Turn: 3
Boost: 2
Not that this will suprise anyone, but the Gundam (G) is an awesome suit. It
has so much armour compared to other suits you will wonder if it is possible
to be destroyed at all. Yet it remains agile and relatively speedy, with a
great range of weapons. The Beam Rifle has to be the gun of choice, but unlike
many other MS, all weapons you unlock will be useful in the meantime. Add in
the signature Head Vulcan, a shield and decent melee damage and you will find
yourself laughing at the poor Zeons for not fleeing from you on sight! The only
downer with this suit is that ammo for the primary weapons is pretty poor.
However with a suit this powerful you can just draw your sword and plough on

Gundam Ez-8
Primary Weapon(s): 100mm MG, Missile Launcher, Rocket Launcher, 180mm
Cannon, Beam Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Head vulcan
Special Weapon: Chest Vulcan
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Claw Shield
Armour: 6
Power: 5
Aim: 4
Speed: 5
Turn: 5
Boost: 4
Much like the Gundam(G), this suit has it all, only more so. Not only can it
hold more ammo for the primary weapon (read Beam Rifle here unless you are
intentionally trying to up the challenge), but it has a Chest Vulcan and a
Head Vulcan. This increases it’s ability to deal with threats at medium/close
range, but is offset by a slightly weaker melee attack than the Gundam(G).

Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle, 380mm Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: Beam Javelin
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: Shield
Armour: 8
Power: 7
Aim: 5
Speed: 7
Turn: 7
Boost: 7
Heh. The pinnacle of evolution for Gundam type suits. The Gundam fears
nothing because it’s the best suit available by miles. Remains speedy and
agile whilst adding significantly more in the way of armour and ammo capacity.
This MS can weather a sustained assualt from pretty much anything, and carries
45 rounds for the Beam Rifle (when fully upgraded), a feat approached only by
the Zeon Gelgoog. Weaponry is a little limited, but that’s only because
everything you start with is fantastic anyway. If you die with this suit, you
don’t deserve to be using it.

—-4.2 – Principality of Zeon Mobile Suit Info——————————–

Zaku I
Primary Weapon: 105mm MG, 280mm Bazooka, Magella Gun
Secondary Weapon:
Special Weapon: Cracker
Melee Weapon: Heat Hawk
Shield: None
Armour: 1
Power: 1
Aim: 1
Speed: 1
Turn: 1
Boost: 2
Ugh. Since you start the game with a Zaku II, there is no reason you should
ever have to use this suit. It has papier mache armour, low ammo count, and a
poor range of weapons at its disposal.

Zaku II
Primary Weapon: 120mm MG, 280mm Bazooka, Magella Gun, MMP-80 MG
Secondary Weapon:
Special Weapon: Cracker
Melee Weapon: Heat Hawk
Shield: None
Armour: 2
Power: 2
Aim: 2
Speed: 3
Turn: 2
Boost: 2
Since this is one of the first suits you get in the campaign, your expectations
for it likely wont be high. Even with this lenience though, the Zaku II still
manages to be shockingly rubbish. It loses out to its rival the GM in every
respect, so all the early Zeon mission become an uphill struggle. It has a
decent selection of weapons (and certainley becomes more usable once you get
the MMP80), but ultimately is let down by awful maneouverability (especially
when trying to turn), and tinfoil armour. Unfortunately most of the early
Zeon suits share this trait, so you’re best to stick it out with this until
something useful like a Gouf Custom becomes available.

Zaku Cannon
Primary Weapon: 105mm MG, 120mm MG, MMP-80 MG,
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: 180mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: Heat Hawk
Shield: None
Armour: 2
Power: 2
Aim: 5
Speed: 1
Turn: 2
Boost: 1
Zeon players fancying a bit of artillery action will be dissapointed by this
suit, mainly because it is based on the Zaku I chassis. As such, its armour
is woeful, which means you cannot afford to stand still to fire the shoulder
cannon, since a few rounds in the chest can spell disaster. Obviously, this
defeats the point of having an artillery MS. On the plus side, it does have a
decent weapon loadout available once it is fully upgraded.

Zaku II Type S
Primary Weapon: 120mm MG, 280mm Bazooka, Magella Gun, MMP-80MG,
360mm Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: Cracker
Melee Weapon: Heat Hawk
Shield: None
Armour: 3
Power: 3
Aim: 4
Speed: 6
Turn: 6
Boost: 6
This is what the Zaku should have handled like in the first place. Gone is the
feeling of wading through treacle, replaced by a half decent sense of mobility.
The Zaku S isn’t quick by any stretch, but does rectify the horrible turning
speed of the base Zaku. It has a decent range of weapons, particularly the
360mm Bazooka, but only a slightly better ammo capacity than the Zaku II.
Armour is improved too, but not by much. This is the suit’s ultimate downfall,
it’s just too easy to lose a limb of be blown out of your cockpit by a stray
shot. If the Zaku S arrived in your hangar a bit earlier in the campaign it
would have been an excellent investment. As it is you’re better off saving up
for a Dom.

Primary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: Missiles
Melee Weapon: Claws
Shield: None
Armour: 2
Power: 2
Aim: 2
Speed: 4
Turn: 3
Boost: 2
If aquatic MS are your thing, the Acguy will provide a welcome break from the
slew of rubbishy Zakus in the Zeon campaign. If you don’t like aquatic MS,
stick it out a bit longer for the Gouf Custom. It only has one loadout even at
Weapon Level 8, but all three weapons are fairly decent, and allow the Acguy
to pack a mean punch at close range. Melee damage is also good, courtesy of
those vicious claw arms. The only thing that really keeps this MS in the lower
bracket is a lack of armour. It isn’t quite as frail as the Zakus, but will not
withstand a sustained barrage.

Primary Weapon: Beam Cannons
Secondary Weapon:
Special Weapon: Missiles
Melee Weapon: Claws
One word sums this suit up. S-L-O-W. Moves slowly, turns slowly, fires slowly.
It also has rubbish boost, so don’t expect to cover ground fast in this beast.
It has woeful aim, which offsets the half decent armaments because you will be
missing all the time. Armour is quite decent, but then you cannot move fast
enough to avoid any incoming fire, so you will die just as fast as in any other
low level suit. Best avoided.

Primary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Special Weapon: Missiles
Melee Weapon: Claws
Shield: None
Armour: 3
Power: 4
Aim: 2
Speed: 1
Turn: 1
Boost: 1
Another rubbish marine MS. Decently nippy compared to other suits of this type,
but it suffers from a lack of armour and very weak weaponry. In particular,
its missiles require you to be stationary to fire, which doesn’t compliment
the suits armour rating at all.

Primary Weapon: Beam Gun
Secondary Weapon: Beam Gun
Special Weapon: Torpedoes
Melee Weapon: Claws
Shield: None
Armour: 4
Power: 4
Aim: 3
Speed: 3
Turn: 4
Boost: 3
As per the Gogg it is based on. Slow, with decent armour, but woeful accuracy.
Its melee attack is devestating, but is hard to land due to it’s ponderous

Primary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Beam Cannon

Special Weapon: Head Missile
Melee Weapon: Claws
Shield: None
Armour: 4
Power: 6
Aim: 5
Speed: 5
Turn: 4
Boost: 4
All round improvement on preceeding marine suits. Unfortunately, the weapon
loadout is still the same, so it’s a bit underpowered for the stage of the
game in which you will be using it. Furthermore, it is still pretty ponderous
and has rubbish boost. As a result, it doesn’t compare well with any of the
other MS you are offered for a similar price.

Primary Weapon: Finger Cannon, MMP-80 MG
Secondary Weapon: Gatling, Gatling S
Special Weapon: Heat Rod
Melee Weapon: Heat Sword
Shield: Shield
Armour: 3
Power: 5
Aim: 1
Speed: 5
Turn: 4
Boost: 4
I found the Gouf to be one of the dissapointments of the Zeon campaign. I
personally love the Gouf design in the Gundam series, and have always enjoyed
its fantastic close combat skills in other Gundam games. However in GTIS the
Gouf is really a glorified Zaku II with decent melee damage. It is frail, slow
and lacks any decent armaments beside the MMP80. The Heat Sword does excellent
Melee damage, but don’t ever use the Heat Rod – it grounds you where you stand
(much like the shoulder mounted cannons on other suits) and doesn’t inflict
any damage, just stuns for a few seconds. My advice would be to save the points
and hold out a few more missions until the Gouf Custom becomes available.

Gouf Custom
Primary Weapon: MMP-80MG, Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Gatling Gun, Gatling S
Special Weapon: Heat Rod
Melee Weapon: Heat Sword
Shield: None
Armour: 3
Power: 6
Aim: 3
Speed: 7
Turn: 5
Boost: 5
If you’ve made it far enough into the Zeonic campaign to get this suit, you
are probably feeling a little disillusioned with the constant slew of weak MS
that you have been offered to hold back the EFF. Despair ye not however,
because this is where things start looking up. The Gouf Custom comes with an
MMP80 and a vulcan straight out of the box, which makes closing range from
short or medium distances a doddle. As per the Gouf the Heat Sword is great and
the Heat Rod sucks. Maneouverability is still pretty dissapointing, but
thankfully the armour is a level or two above the tinfoil covering the Zakus.
Definitely top of the list if you are expecting a close assault mission.

Primary Weapon: 360mm Bazooka, MMP-80 MG, Rakenten Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Weapon: Spread Beam
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: None
Armour: 3
Power: 3
Aim: 2
Speed: 8
Turn: 6
Boost: 3
Ah the Dom. This suit is a revelation when you first get it, mainly due to its
hovering ability. This means that you can strafe your opponents easily with
only minimal fear of getting hit by retatliatory fire. Also, it starts with the
360mm Bazooka and ends up with the Rakenten Bazooka, so it’s fair to say the
Dom packs a punch as well as speed. On the down side, its ammo capacity for
both Bazookas is pretty poor, and as such is best for defense missions rather
than ones where you will be moving far from the supply depot. The exception to
this is if you take the MMP80, for which it can carry an astounding 750 rounds!
Go figure. Melee is also curiously weak even when Attack is maxed, so it is a
great defense suit rather than an all-rounder. A fleet of 3 Doms (possibly
with one AI pilot in a Dom Cannon) is a formidable setup that will see you
through large portions of the Zeon campaign.

Dom Cannon
Primary Weapon: 105mm MG, MMP-80 MG, Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Pod
Special Weapon: Twin Cannon
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: None
Armour: 5
Power: 6
Aim: 7
Speed: 7
Turn: 5
Boost: 2
As per the Dom really. The only problem here is that the shoulder cannon
requires you to be stationary to fire, which kind of defeats the Dom’s main
advantage of maneouverability. Also, the Dom Cannon is limited to machine guns
as its primary weapons, so overall it lacks as much punch as the standard Dom.

Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle, MMP-80 MG
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Pod
Special Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: Beam Nanginata
Shield: Shield
Armour: 6
Power: 7
Aim: 5
Speed: 7
Turn: 6
Boost: 6
Finally, a Gundam equivalent for the Zeon. Whilst I don’t like the design of
this MS nearly as much as other Zeon suits, I can’t argue with the fact that
it kicks ass. It starts with the Beam Rifle, and you would be mad to choose
anything else really, especially as it ends up with a mammoth 37 shots
that far outstrips the ammo capacity of even the Gundams for this weapon. The
only real downside is that it doesn’t shoot down aircraft that well. You can
use the Rocket Pod when you get it, but even then these are fairly slow moving,
so don’t expect instant results. On top of this you have good maneouverability,
great armour and a crushing melee weapon. Unless you like the close assault
style of the Kampfer on appropriate missions, you won’t use another suit again.
Best all round suit for Zeon without a doubt.

Primary Weapon: Shotgun, 360mm Bazooka, Raketen Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: Head Vulcan
Special Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: Beam Saber
Shield: None
Armour: 5
Power: 7
Aim: 6
Speed: 7
Turn: 8
Boost: 7
Fantastic assault MS with wallet denting improvement costs. I found the Kampfer
to be curiously rubbish when it first arrived, but I think the truth is that
this MS really needs a broad spectrum of upgrades before it gets into its
stride. What it does have going for it out of the box is great manouverablility
and tons of boost power. The starting shotgun is a bit rubbish since if you are
close enough to use it effectively, you’d probably have your beam sword out
instead. Once you have the Raketen Bazooka however, the Kampfer becomes
devstatingly efficient. Head vulcan allows you to pin enemies whilst you close
in for melee or strafe them with your bazooka. Armour is on par with the top
tier Gundams.

Primary Weapon: Missiles
Secondary Weapon: Vulcan
Special Weapon: 680mm Cannon
Melee Weapon: None
Shield: None
Armour: 8
Power: 7
Aim: 7
Speed: 5
Turn: 5
Boost: 3
Zeon in artillery shocker? Surely not. If you’ve gone through the Zeon campaign
wishing you could trade on equal terms with all the Guntanks and Guncannons
then the Xamel may well be for you. The Dom style hover movement system offers
unprecedented mobility for a suit of this size and armour, but make no mistake
you are still pretty damn slow. The 680mm cannon makes this MS an excellent
choice if you know you are going to be sniping, but it cannot be used for
medium range shots in the same way as you might with a Zaku Cannon. The reason?
The enormous two part cannon takes so long to deploy and fire that you will
usually miss any target that is aware of your presence, likely taking a fair
bit of damage in the process. Luckily the Xamel has a huge lock on range
(especially once fully upgraded) to compensate to some degree. It also has slow
moving rockets which are great for closer range work, and a Vulcan, but this is
no good for shooting down aircraft since it is located so far down the Xamels
torso. The Xamel does have tons of armour, but it needs to since it is tough
to dodge in this MS and you will get hit a lot. Also, it is one of the only
suits not to have a melee attack. All in all a devestating artillery piece, but
be prepared to restart the mission if your enemies manage to get close to you.

Primary Weapon: 300mm Cannon
Secondary Weapon: 105mm MG
Special Weapon: Transform
Melee Weapon: None
Shield: None
Armour: 8
Power: 6
Aim: 6
Speed: 7
Turn: 5
Boost: 2
I’m still trying to work out whether the Hildolfr was included as a serious
step forward for the Zeons, or just as an unlockable party piece for Gundam
fanboys. It straddles both categories to be honest. Lets start with the plus
points. It is extremely nippy and maneouverable compared to any of the MS in
the game. It also has a ton of armour, backed up with a hard hitting 300mm
Cannon. It transforms!!! The downside – the 300mm cannon will miss just about
anything on the move and you can’t strafe with it. The transformation gives you
access to a 105mm MG….Not really the weapon of choice against anything in the
game. Officiandos may love seeing the Hildolfr bought to (digital) life, but it
certainley isn’t accomplished enough to eclipse the Gelgoog or Kampfer.

5.0 – Weapons:

– I have kept this list down to weapons that are available to a range of MS.
Unique weapons like the Gouf Finger Cannon are not examined. Similarly, Melee
weapons are not included since they are specific to each suit.


105mm MG: Basic Zeon machine gun. Medium fire rate, woeful damage. Ammo is
always plentiful, but that is little consolation. Avoid like the plague where

120mm Machine Gun: Standard Zeon machine gun. High rate of fire, piddly
damage. The only plus side is that you usually get a fairly big clip size for

MMP80 Machine Gun: If machine guns are your thing then this is the pinnacle
for you. Very high rate of fire, slightly less damage than the 120mm MG, but
always has much more ammunition available for it.

Bullpup MG: The EFF’s 105mm MG. Feels like maybe it’s firing rubber bullets
instead of real ammuntion, but almost always has plenty of ammo. Upgrade as
soon as feasibly possible.

90mm Machine Gun: Pretty much the equivalent of the 120mm MG for the Zeon
forces. High fire rate, rubbish damage, acceptable clip size.

100mm MG: EFF equivalent of the Zeon MMP80.

Shotgun: A tricky one this. I personally dislike this weapon because, in true
shotgun style, you need to be in close combat range to use it effectively. It
really does suck at any kind of distance. For this reason, the Shotgun is best
left on the shelf because if you get close enough to use it you would be better
off using your melee weapon anyway. For those that favour this kind of weapon
though, the damage is stunning up close.

180mm Cannon: Not a fan of this weapon really. Does plenty of damage, though
no more than a bazooka, but is slower to reload. Plus it is woefully
inaccurate. If you aren’t going to stand still to fire it, don’t bother firing

Magella Gun: Sigh. I loved the Magella guns in Gundam anime, so I was really
looking forward to using this. But it’s rubbish I’m afraid. Snail like reload
time, small clip size and a slow moving projectile make this exceptionally
hard to use. Only redeeming feature is a decent amount of damage.

280mm Bazooka: Otherwise known as the Zaku Bazooka. This four barrel beauty
packs quite a punch and has a speedy rate of fire for a Bazooka. As with all
weapons of this type, it doesn’t have much ammo, but is a great GM killer.

360mm Bazooka: Decent damage, slow rate of fire. The 360mm is a fairly heavy
hitter, and takes down the majority of EFF suits in two or three hits. On the
down side the clip size is almost always rubbish, so best used when you know
you are going to be able to resupply often.

Rakenten Bazooka: One of the better weapons in the game. This is quite a step
up from the 360mm Bazooka. Better damage, higher accuracy and a slightly
increased rate of fire. Clip size is still rubbish, but you will get a few
extra kills over the 360mm Bazooka before you need to find a supply depot.
This is the weapon that transforms the effectiveness of the Dom and Kampfer for

380mm Bazooka: EFF Equivalent of the Rakenten Bazooka.

Rocket Launcher: Do not be fooled by the generous seeming clip size for this
weapon, it fires five rockets at a time, so effective ammo count is around
15 shots. However, it does have a decent rate of fire, and packs quite a punch
(a solid hit will reduce most Zakus to ash). Unfortunately, the rockets spread
out as they leave the launcher and then regroup as they home in on the target.
this initial spread pattern means that its easy to lose 1-3 rockets to the
terrain or other MS on the way in.

Rocket Pod: An arm attachment for the Gelgoog and Dom K. Fires three homing
rockets at a fairly low rate of fire. The rockets are slow moving, but tend to
track their targets well. Ideal for slow moving aircraft or partially damaged

Missiles: Missiles come in various shapes and sizes in this game, but all
share similar traits. They generally have a medium/high rate of fire and
medium damage, and should be treated like a heavy hitting machine gun. On the
down side, the projectiles move slowly, which can make it difficult to hit a
strafing target.

Sniper Rifle: Whopping damage, good range, clip size so small you’d think the
rounds it uses were on the endangered list. Five bullets is not enough for a
mission. Even if they took down an MS in one shot, which they rarely do.

Long Rifle: Bit pointless this one. Slightly more damage than the Sniper Rifle,
but less bullets. Packs a massive punch, but four rounds is not enough for any
of the missions in this game. Best left at home.

Beam Rifle: Be it for EFF or Zeon, the Beam Rifle is pretty much the most
consistently devestating weapon you will use. Clip size is almost always
woefully limited unless you have an upgraded Gelgoog, but when you do this
much damage nothing will be around to stop you when you need to go reload.
Accurate as well.

Head Vulcan: Highest rate of fire, lowest damage (suprise, suprise). The
weapon of choice for shooting down aircraft or destroying tanks. With regards
to enemy Mobile Suits, as soon as you stop seeing this weapon as a means of
damaging your opponent, you will realise it’s true usefullness. It’s ability
to knock an enemy off balance or force them block makes it much less risky when
attempting to close for a melee strike. If you have this, always go in blazing
before you use you melee weapon.

Spread Beam: I’m not 100% sure on this one, but it appears that you make your
enemy falter in close combat by using this, buying your valuable seconds for a
return strike if you think they are going beat you to the first blow.

MultiLauncher: As with the Beamflash, this appears to stun an enemy in close
combat, giving you the chance to strike first.

Cracker/Grenade: Crackers for the Zeon, Grenades for the EFF. Both do good
damage, and can even take weaker suits out with one hit. However, you have to
stand still to use it, which is really odd since it’s a close range weapon.
Shame, because otherwise they would be a great tool for softening up the enemy
before a melee strike. Furthermore, they are thrown underarm in a high arc, so
they won’t ever hit a moving target, or even one that decides to move after
you’ve thrown it.

This walkthrough reposted to with permission of the author.

Author: Nick2930

I am a 33 year old librarian, part time writer, all time gamer, and what my cousin refers to as an intellectual badasss. Normally I wouldn't brag, but I like that so much I feel compelled to.