Author: Dayvid

3D modeller freelance writer and artist based in the UK ,gaming enthusiast
Posted in Features PC Reviews PlayStation 3 Reviews Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

Dead Island: GOTY Edition – Life’s A Beach, Then You Die, Then Come Back to Life!

Life is full of simple pleasures, like going on holiday, sitting in the garden on a summer’s evening sipping on a nice beverage, and of…

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Posted in PC Reviews PlayStation 3 Reviews Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

Zuma`s Revenge- The Stone Frog Is Back!

OK if your one of the 17 million ZUMA fans out there, you are going to enjoy this, yes folks, ZUMA is back! And looking…

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Posted in PC Reviews PlayStation 3 Reviews Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

Inversion – It’s A Topsy Turvy World Out There

INVERSION: "the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted"… now apply this to a game, and what do you get? Why the…

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Posted in PC Reviews PlayStation 3 Reviews Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

The Amazing Spider-Man Game – Spidey Fans Will Enjoy It

If like me you're a big Spider-Man fan, then you would have been straining at the leash awaiting the arrival of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN™ video…

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Posted in Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

Spec Ops: The Line – Life’s A Beach, Then You Die Repeatedly!

“War is hell” and so is war gaming at times. Gone are the days when we just blew stuff up and killed mindlessly without any…

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Posted in Very British Gamer Xbox 360 Reviews

Babel Rising – OMG !

Ever wanted to be a GOD? I bet some of you out there have thought about it at times, especially when that numpty carves you…

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